USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
I’m Chris Harris and I’ve worked at the Granite City steel mill for 26 years. I have a family of four that depends on my job.
By the end of the month, at the age of 55, I will lose my job as a Caster Utilityman along with 2,000 other workers mostly because of steel imports from China. China again? When will our lawmakers get it?
Please call your Representative today at 1-844-505-4449 and tell them to say no to any more unfair trade laws.
Congress needs to say no to upcoming Fast Track legislation that enables lawmakers to push through trade deals in secret. People who support this say, don’t worry, trust us, this will all be good for workers. Trust me, no trade deal has ever been good for our families or us.
It’s because of unfair trade, cheating by countries like China and corporate politicians unwilling to stand up for us, that jobs like mine are being shipped overseas. It’s why I’ve already cut back on spending and will have to make extreme sacrifices so my family can get by without my income.
We’ve heard all these political promises before and look what’s happened to our jobs – they’re gone. Don’t fall for it again, help us by calling your Representative at 1-844-505-4449 and tell them to vote NO on Fast Track legislation!
Thank you for all of your support and solidarity,
Chris Harris, USW Local Union 1899 Member
CLICK HERE to read more testamonies from Steelworkers
Photos and story courtesy USPA Executive Board Member Doug May, USW Local 1899
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