USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Football at the U, is no picnic I’ll tell you. Risk and danger, stress and struggle, And arbitrary screw.
College football work is tough, school management is rough. Here today, maybe gone tomorrow, Grant-in-Aid is not enough.
Fans and citizens alike, should rally and reject, Claims by the N-C Double A, That athletes they protect.
NCAA? You can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union. Oh, you can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union ’til the day I die.
It’s the N-C Double A, who denies them their just pay, And long term care, for damage done, In practice and in play.
“Student-Athlete” is a sham; it defrauds and obfuscates. Big coaches cost top money; Big programs boost fee rates.
“Student-Athlete” is absurd; it conceals the truth, That N-C-A-A wealth comes forth, By exploiting youth!
NCAA? You can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union. Oh, you can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union ’til the day I die.
The schools get all the take, giving players no fair shake. N-C-A-A mo-no-poly, Is really what’s at stake.
Football “Player” is passé, “Football Worker’s” here to stay! They work long hours, for their employer, They labor night and day.
They can lose all at a stroke; working conditions are no joke. They seek protection, by uniting, NOW it’s “Go for Broke!”
Football Workers can take heart, their travail is understood Steelworkers have been there before: Standing-up, Four-Square, for good.
NCAA? You can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union. Oh, you can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union ’til the day I die.
College Athletes are employed, they are workers; they believe They have the right to organize, To bargain and to grieve.
Recognition is their goal, workers rights we all agree, Should be theirs and guaranteed, By The N-L-R-B.
Steelworkers know the score, they now rush to pitch right in Stepping-up for Football Workers, To ensure they get their WIN!
You can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union. Oh, you can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union ’til the day I die.
Like Steelworkers, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union. Oh, you can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union ’til the day I die.
Oh, you can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union, I’m sticking to the union ’til the day I die.
Paul Lang Melrose, Mass. Former member of USW Local 2603
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