Steelers and Steelworkers to Rally for Obama-Biden, Get Out the Vote

WHO:    Dan Rooney, retired Steelers defensive lineman and TV analyst Edmond Nelson, United Steelworkers (USW) International President Leo W. Gerard, AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka, AFT President Randi Weingarten, Congressman Mike Doyle, and Allegheny Central Labor Council President Jack Shea; USW members, retirees and allies; and representatives for the Obama for president campaign

WHAT:   Get Out the Vote block walk and rally to support the Obama-Biden Democrat ticket for President

WHEN:   Saturday, Nov. 1st
             9 a.m. – Labor Walk  
             2 p.m. – Rally
WHERE:  Labor Walk:
             (Walkers will meet at USW Headquarters, then depart for walks)
             60 Boulevard of the Allies (Boulevard of the Allies and Stanwix)
             Pittsburgh, PA 15222
              USW International Headquarters
              60 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

WHY: To kickoff Get Out the Vote activities and rally support for electing a president that will stand up for working Americans and retirees and restore the promise of the American Dream to future generations.

Free parking at the Steelworkers’ garage. For more information on the Steel Blitz tour, including photos and stories from previous stops, visit


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