USW Calls on Congress to Pass Newly Introduced PRO Act

Contact: R.J. Hufnagel, (412) 562-2450,

(PITTSBURGH) – The United Steelworkers (USW) union today called on members of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate to pass the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, legislation that would strengthen the rights of workers to form unions.

Congressional Democrats on Wednesday reintroduced the legislation that would make it easier for workers to exercise their rights and enact meaningful penalties for employers who violate those rights.

“Millions of American workers want to join unions, but they can’t, because corporations can intimidate and bully them with no meaningful consequences,” said USW International President David McCall. “Workers deserve to have a voice on the job without interference, and the PRO Act would protect that voice.”

In addition to strengthening workers’ rights and boosting penalties against violators, the PRO Act would make it easier for workers to negotiate contracts and would close loopholes that allow companies to misclassify their workers as independent contractors.

Democratic leaders in the House and Senate have introduced versions of the bill in each of the past three terms of Congress.

“For decades, corporate CEOs and Wall Street investors have been taking home a bigger and bigger share of the economic pie while leaving workers with the crumbs,” McCall said. “Unions are the best check on that growing inequality and the best path to the middle class for exploited workers.”

“Congress should quickly pass the PRO Act,” McCall said, “and the president should sign it.”

The USW represents 850,000 workers employed in metals, mining, pulp and paper, rubber, chemicals, glass, auto supply and the energy-producing industries, along with a growing number of workers in health care, public sector, higher education, tech and service occupations.

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