USW Says Congress Vote Starts Main Street Recovery for Workers

Strong ‘Buy America’ provision assures benefit for domestic economy

Washington (Feb. 13) —  Leo W. Gerard, international president of the United Steelworkers (USW), cited the 246-183 vote by the U.S. House late today for the $787 billion economic stimulus package, saying it will kick-start a main street recovery for working Americans and a sustainable economy for the nation’s future. The U.S. Senate vote was 60-38.

“USW members and their families urged Congress to approve the economic stimulus bill sought by President Barack Obama to create 3.5 million jobs and put America back on the right track for a sustainable future,” the USW president said. “We can take satisfaction that common sense prevailed in also retaining a strong Buy America provision to assure our stimulus tax dollars will be invested in American-made steel and construction materials for public infrastructure and building projects to benefit our economy first.”

He said it was essential the domestic-sourcing preferences became part of the final economic recovery package as it is a much stronger and more effective provision than an earlier House version. “It expands the preference to include manufactured goods as well as iron and steel,” he explained.  “Most importantly, the Senate version clarifies Buy America be applied in a manner consistent with U.S. obligations under international agreements.”

Gerard said, “We can thank the leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid in responding to the urgent need for jobs and to jump start the American economy by a bold program for investing in infrastructure spending.”

The stimulus bill now goes to President Obama for signature and immediate implementation. Called the ‘American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (H.R.1), the legislation is aimed at rebuilding an economy that works for all Americans.

The USW president adds that the votes by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME), Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Arlen Specter (R-PA) deserve USW appreciation in standing up for the good of the country by approving the Senate bill that preceded the final version now before the U.S. Senate. Not a single Republican House member voted support for the recovery package.

According to U.S. government reports, the economy lost 598,000 jobs in January, and the unemployment rate rose to 7.6 percent. Congressional leaders said the country is facing its deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression, one that calls for swift, bold action.”

The stimulus bill provides $311 billion in appropriations, including the following critical investments that create jobs, support for the states and the country’s future:

  • Investments in infrastructure and science — $120 billion
  • Investments in health — $14.2 billion
  • Investments in education and training — $105.9 billion
  • Investments in energy, including over $30 billion in infrastructure — $37.5 billion
  • Helping Americans hit hardest by the economic crisis — $24.3 billion
  • Law enforcement, oversight, and other programs — $7.8 billion

Funding for energy programs in the bill includes upgrading the energy grid, research into clean coal technology and $6 billion in loan guarantees for renewable energy projects. It includes a 3-year extension of the production tax credit for wind energy. In addition, the bill expands and extends Trade Adjustment Assistance benefits, with specific funding programs to help workers and families hit hardest by the economic crisis. These programs include nutrition assistance, child care development, head start and the homeowners’ assistance program.

The USW has a ‘Make Our Future Work’ program with union leaders across the nation involved in oversight on the provisions of the economic stimulus bill to be sure state and local infrastructure investment projects meet the terms of the Buy America provision.

Contact:  Gary Hubbard  202-778-4384;  202-256-8125;
              Connie Mabin  412-562-2616;  412-580-3072;

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