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Senators Obama and Clinton Offer Thoughtful Responses; McCain Refused Fails to Respond
Contact: Marco Trbovich (412) 760-4335
Pittsburgh – In an open letter to United Steelworker (USW) members posted today on the union’s website (, International President Leo W. Gerard encouraged members to make their choice for president based on thoughtful responses from Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to a letter on crucial trade issues sent to them, as well as Senator John McCain.
Senator McCain refused to respond to the letter or to participate in a recent forum held in Pittsburgh by the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM), of which the USW is a founding member.
“We are providing the full text of their [Clinton’s and Obama’s] responses to you – without editorial comment,” Gerard wrote, “because we believe that each member and their families, as well as others who are concerned about America’s economic future, should determine for themselves which candidate will chart the new course America must embark upon. The status quo must be rejected.”
A letter was sent to all three candidates. Responses were submitted from Senators Clinton and Obama.
Letter to Candidates
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