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Apparently these congress critters never even visit reality. Hello, boneheads – the program has expanded only because all of the “recovery” benefits went to those at the top, leaving those at ground level reaching desperately for food stamps as a life preserver. In fact, the program lifted about 4 million Americans above the poverty level last year and kept millions more from sinking deeper into destitution. It’s a safety net that’s been working – exactly in the way it’s supposed to.
Yet, just for the hell of it, these laissez-fairyland Dickensians added insult to the injury their cuts would cause for millions of America’s hard-hit people. They tacked on a provision to let the meanest of states force the needy families to submit to humiliating drug tests as the price of obtaining food for their families. And House members wonder why their approval rating is in the ditch!
This piece was first published on Jim Hightower’s website.
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