USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
“Surging imports of unfairly traded steel are threatening U.S. steel production, which supports more than a half million U.S. jobs across every state of the nation. The import surge has depressed domestic steel production and revenues, leading to sharp declines in net income in the U.S. steel industry over the past two years (2012–2013), layoffs for thousands of workers, and reduced wages for many more.”
Last week, U.S. Steel announced plans to halt tube operations in Pennsylvania and Texas, which will lead to an indefinite furlough for 265 workers.
“For months, our union (The United Steelworkers) has warned the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Trade Representative, the public and others that a flood of illegally subsidized and unfairly traded oil country tubular goods (OCTG) poses a significant and immediate threat to American steel companies and the jobs of our members,” said USW President Leo Gerard.
The EPI estimates that over “583,600 steel-related jobs are at risk if the U.S. does not fully and effectively enforce its trade remedy laws.” The importing of foreign steel has “increased from 28.5 million net tons in 2011 to 32.0 million net tons in 2013, an increase of 12.3 percent.”
Why is this happening? Why is the country that led the world in steel production now taking a back seat to these foreign suppliers?
“The USW demands an immediate investigation into how a trade partner such as South Korea, which produces 100 percent of its steel tubular goods for export because it has no domestic market, has managed to conduct business here without regulation or any kind of fair tariff in place,” Gerard stated.
The importing of foreign manufactured steel is only one piece of the problem that has led to the destruction of millions of American jobs. Our trade policies have led to the erosion of our pay and have pushed up our national debt.
The problem is that we as a nation are buying more than we are selling, and this is causing a $540 billion dollar trade deficit.
Foreign manufacturers play games with their currency to undercut their competitors. Currency manipulation and slave wages are how these countries are able to charge less for their products. They have rigged the game so badly that it is almost impossible for Americans to win.
For the sake of our entire manufacturing base we must put a stop to unbalanced trade and currency manipulation.
“For the workers and families in McKeesport, Pa. and Bellville, Texas, the USW pledges to continue fighting for a fair and level playing field so that American workers can get back to their rightful jobs as soon as possible,” Gerard stated.
“The USW will continue to be an outspoken advocate for workers who have paid and continue to pay the price for unfair ‘free’ trade, which remains the single most dangerous threat to the good, family-supporting, community-sustaining jobs the USW strives to create and protect,” concluded Gerard.
Programs like NAFTA, and the proposed TPP, are exactly what is hurting the American worker. We need to stop the hemorrhaging now before it gets worse. Restoring our trade balance and reducing our trade deficit would create upwards of five million new jobs.
We talk about a global economy; however, it seems we are the only ones buying. Always remember – support American workers. Buy American.
Reposted from NH Labor News.
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