USW Local 1034 Update

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Member of USW Local 1034,

We want to thank all the members for their hard work and dedication during the 52-tank failure.

At this time, the Union committee has met for a third week with the Anchor Hocking management team. We have diligently worked through the language items of the contract. The Company has presented their benefits proposal to the committee. We have had the information evaluated by a technician from USW headquarters and are actively seeking other possible alternative source for healthcare. The committee continues to make progress. We will be resuming negotiations the week July 23rd and 24th. We hope to be able to reach a tentative agreement next week.

I personally want to express my appreciation to all the members. You have been through a lot over the past year with the uncertainty of bankruptcy. Then once you emerged from bankruptcy the company was sold to Anchor Hocking. Now the failure of 52 tank which has resulted in an unexpected layoff. Finally, the negotiation process taking longer than the local has experienced in prior negotiations.

Once we reach an agreement that can be presented to the membership for a ratification vote we will do our best to communicate the times and dates to everyone.

Please continue to show management our solidarity and wear your red shirt on Wednesdays and your black shirt on Fridays as well as putting your car signs in your windows at work. If there are any further changes or communications we will have your Contract Action Team keep you updated.

In Solidarity,

USW Local 1034 Bargaining Committee
Jack Vander Baan
USW Staff Representative