Committee Fights for Improved Representation, Worker Safety and Labor Management Committee

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Last week we met with LBMCC to discuss non-economic issues Tuesday - Friday. While our proposals focus on expanding your protections, the hospital is fighting to limit rights that we have access to BY LAW! They want to bar union discussion in non-work areas! This is a right guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act!

Another big priority for your bargaining committee is to build a more collaborative labor management relationship. The hospital wants full control, but we will fight for a voice and a say in the work we do! The first step is to ensure Union presence at New Employee Orientation. We also have an interest in building a partnership with the company that works together to solve multiple issues including:

· Safety

· Technology that affects our work

· Issues and concerns that affect working conditions

We return to the table today and are working on getting headbands with our USW logo. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming actions to show the Company we support our Bargaining Committee.