Local 4-200 FAQ: ULP Strike Notice

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Our members spoke up in our vote last week: short staffing is an issue RWJ must address to ensure quality patient care. As a result, we gave RWJ notice on July 24 that we’ll begin an unfair labor practice strike on Aug. 4, unless we can reach an agreement.

We’ll be sharing more info about picketing and available resources in the coming days. To get the latest info, sign up for text updates and fill out our strike duty survey by going to bit.ly/4200strikedutysurvey

What is a strike exactly? 

Striking is an option of last resort in tough bargaining. In a strike, union workers, together, refuse to go to work. This shifts the balance of power and shows the employer how powerful and essential we are. 

What do I tell my patients? 

You can say things like: we are going on strike to protect our patients’ andwe are going on strike for safe staffing.   

What happens on August 4? 

If we are forced to go on strike on Aug. 4,the union will alert you. If you are scheduled to work on Aug. 4 before the strike starts, you should report to work as planned, follow instructions from the union throughout the day, and make sure you follow any normal clock-out procedures.If you typically report out, you should plan to report out as you typicallydo. 

Do I need to give my supervisor notice? 

No, the union has given RWJ NB a proper notice to strike.Your manager may ask whether you are going on strike, but you don’t have to respond. You can say,I’m standing with my union. 

Will my manager say that I abandoned my patients by striking? 

You cannot legally be charged with patient abandonment for participating in the strike.Striking is a legally protected activity and not patient abandonment. We provided RWJ NB the legally required 10-day advance notice. The advance notice allows employers preparation time to address patient care issues. 

What if I’m on probation? 

Probationary employees have the same legal rights to engage in collective action as every other employee. It would be unlawful for RWJ to fire you or fail to renew your contract in retaliation for simply participating in the strike. 

What about my health insurance coverage? 

The USW has one of the largest and most successful strike funds in the nation. The USW Strike and Defense Fund and our union’s emergency medical program will ensure that you and your dependents continue to have some kind of health insurance coverage, even if RWJ cuts our insurance off. 

For the most up to date information,  
text USW4200 to the number 47486