Local 4-200 FAQ: USW Strike Assistance Program

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Click here to download Strike Assistance FAQs as a PDF

How does strike assistance work?

The goal of our Local Union's strike assistance program is to provide critical resources to members and their families, including help paying bills, buying groceries and accessing medical insurance during a strike.

What is the USW Strike and Defense Fund?

The USW Strike and Defense Fund was created to help union members during strikes and lockouts. The fund provides an allotment to the local union based on the number of members on strike. The local receives funds starting in the third week of a strike. Assistance is then distributed by the local union on the basis of individual need.

How does need-based assistance work?

The key to winning a strike or lockout is maintaining solidarity across the entire membership. While everyone is financially impacted by a labor dispute, different people have different economic circumstances. The idea is that we all work together to support each other.

Our local union will create an assistance committee to assess needs and distribute funds. The assistance committee and officers get training and support from the International union, but your local leadership is responsible for determining how to manage and distribute the funds.

Steelworkers have maintained our Strike and Defense Fund on this basis for more than 40 years, and have successfully won major fights – some lasting for long periods of time.

Can we raise additional funds?

Yes, your local union is encouraged to reach out to other unions, community organizations, businesses, and individuals to ask for donations. Those funds will help build and supplement your local’s Strike and Defense Fund and send a strong message to management that you’re prepared to hold the line as long as necessary.

Can I work another job while on strike?

Yes, working a temporary job not at RWJ New Brunswick Hospital can help support the strike. Make sure to let your picket captain know so they can adjust your picketing schedule accordingly.


Do Your Part

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In order to win our fight for a better contract, it’s critical that every member takes steps to protect themselves financially and gets involved both on and off the picket line. 

Contact Your Mortgage Company

Get in touch with your mortgage company as soon as possible to tell them you’re engaged in a work stoppage, but the situation is temporary and you’ll be back to work when the labor dispute is over. Ask about possibilities for reduced or delayed payments such as interest only payments during the work stoppage. 

Contact Other Lenders

Contact your landlord, car loan company, credit card company, utility companies, etc. and let them know that you’re engaged in a work stoppage. Ask if you can make arrangements for delayed or reduced payments. They will be more likely to work with you if you contact them while your accounts are still current, than if you wait until you’re behind. 

Prepare to Meet with the Local’s Healthcare Coordinator

Fill out the Healthcare Information Sheet and take stock of you and your family’s medical needs, including prescriptions. If your employer healthcare hasn’t been terminated yet, fill all prescriptions and get appointments for routine exams like physicals, vision and dental. The Healthcare Coordinator will help explain your healthcare options, including the USW Emergency Medical Plan which is designed to ensure all members and their families have access to basic medical coverage during a labor dispute. 

Prepare to Meet with the Assistance Committee

Fill out the Assistance Intake Form and discuss your financial needs with your family. While the local won’t receive the first deposit from the USW Strike and Defense Fund until the third week of the dispute it’s best to start organizing your financial information such as bills and other obligations right away. 

Find Other Work

Finding temporary work can help relieve some of the financial burden for you and the local Strike and Defense Fund. It also sends a message to the company that we’re willing to stay out as long as it takes. 

Get Involved on the Picket Line and Beyond

Get your picket schedule from a Picket Captain and talk with your Local Union leaders about other ways to plug in such as reaching out to the community, helping plan events and actions, making phone calls to other members or helping organize a kitchen or pantry. If you’re unable to do picket duty, ask about other ways you can help. 

Show Your Support and Commitment

Put a sign in your yard and help pass out signs, flyers, stickers, and other visibility materials in your community. Talk with your friends, neighbors, local businesses, places of worship, and community organizations about the dispute. Let people know how they can help by visiting the picket line, donating to the Strike and Defense Fund or showing up to one of the union’s events.

For the most up to date information,  
text USW4200 to the number 47486.