Con-Vey’s War on Cannabis & Your Union Rights

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Con-Vey reveals their plan to test workers for any and all marijuana use 

What happened: The Company drug tested a USW member simply for reporting an injury. 

  1. Con-Vey management testing the members to search for minimal marijuana use, including off-the-job use, solely because the employee reported an on-the-job injury. 

    Con-Vey performed a 15 ng test for marijuana, ignoring the 100 ng threshold in your Union Contract. This improper act caused a false positive. 

  2. Con-Vey then, adding insult to the injury, threatened the subject employee with immediate termination unless he agreed to waive significant future union rights. 

Why You Should Be Concerned: 

Management has given you a preview at what they will do once they are done sweet-talking you into voluntarily giving away all your contract rights: Anything they want, from day to day, and as the mood strikes! Your future deserves the certainty of a contract, not mood changes. 

Why the Union Works: 

We understand you have been told your union failed you by a couple folks that you elected to lead Local 5074. It also appears our Union was purposely sabotaged by those we trusted. 

  • Immediately upon learning of the failures we moved to repair the problem. You have our commitment that we will show you the value of the Union every day going forward. 
  • We will work with you, and provide you with the legal assistance and personal knowledge to effectively and respectfully correct Con-Vey’s leaders when they abuse their authority. 
  • Your future union leaders will be supported and supportive, and loyal to all members, or they will be removed and replaced while respecting democracy & due process. 

Beware of those who would tell you that your Union is your weakness!