USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
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At this stage in bargaining, a week away from expiration, things could move quickly. Now is the time to stand up and show USS that you strongly support your bargaining committee in this fight!
In the bargaining surveys, you told us your top issues: wages, healthcare, retirement, time off, and job security, among others. Here’s what we’re facing at the table on these issues.
Health Care
The company’s proposal does NOT continue our current plan design as they claim. Instead, it would move to a restricted network that is MUCH smaller, and in some geographic areas cut the in-network hospitals in half. Anything out of network wouldn’t be covered unless it’s an emergency. Many would be forced to change hospitals or doctors. We’re pressing to maintain access to providers, and hold the line on premiums.
Wages & Bonus money
We need respectable wage increases each year of the contract. Bonuses are gone quickly. Frankly, the time for USS to reward our work with an “essential worker” bonus was when our lives were turned upside down and they were working from home. We raised this many times during the pandemic, but it fell on deaf ears. We’re fighting for stability with real wage increases that build over time and help keep pace with rising costs.
The company has refused to agree to increase pensions to keep pace with inflation and rising costs. We proposed modest increases.
Time off
Our proposals on increased time off, including holiday and vacations were rejected by USS. So has our proposal on parental leave, which USS salary personnel already have. We’re fighting for improved time off and to ensure families can be there for your kids at the most critical times.
Capital Investment
The best way to secure our jobs is to hold USS accountable for investing in our plants. Last contract they agreed to $2.5 Billion. Their current proposal is $1 Billion. We’re demanding a stronger commitment for our future!
Pattern Bargaining in Steel Protects Workers – and the Company
From the founding of our union, we established pattern bargaining in steel. This means we maintain a level playing field in terms of labor costs across companies. Currently, there are two major steel companies in the U.S.: USS and Cleveland Cliffs. Both contracts expire Sept 1, and both sets of negotiations are happening in Pittsburgh. Our USW bargaining committee at US Steel is paying close attention to what’s happening at the Cleveland Cliffs bargaining table.
We need your support, especially in the coming days, as we fight at the bargaining table for what we deserve!
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