What can happen at contract expiration?

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We have options at expiration on Friday, including calling a strike or continuing to work while we push forward in negotiations. It’s up to our union to decide what we do based on how the company moves in bargaining.

You should report to work as scheduled, unless instructed by our union leadership. If we are forced to call a strike, we will plan for an orderly shut down that will allow members to leave work safely. We will keep all members informed through our text system.

Should I bring my tools home?

You may bring your own tools home with you at any time. We will tell you if we believe it’s urgent to bring tools home.

How is our union preparing for a potential strike?

We have been working with the International Union to make sure we’re organized and prepared for any scenario. The USW has an incredibly strong and successful Strike and Defense Fund and long history of winning labor disputes against multi-national employers.

Can the company cut off my insurance after expiration?

No! The company cannot make unilateral changes to our wages, benefits and other terms of our contract.

If we call a strike, they may choose to terminate our healthcare, in which case all members and their families will be immediately eligible for the USW Emergency Medical Program (at no cost to individual members!) and other forms of health insurance like COBRA. If the company sends you a COBRA letter, please keep it just in case.

What else might the company do?

The company may have supervisors shadow your work, set up extra security or invest in other scare tactics. If you have any questions or concerns about these activities, talk with a local union leader.

What will it take to win?

It will take all of us sticking together to win the contract we deserve! Show your solidarity by showing up at our BBQ, displaying stickers and signs and showing your support for our bargaining committee when asked. Together we will win!!!