Teaching Tuesdays

The Education Department is proud to present "Teaching Tuesdays" as a series of classes that USW members can attend from the comfort of their homes.

All classes are held at either 11 a.m. or 8 p.m. EST, so if you are interested in attending one of the classes please click on the time that you can attend. Sessions run for 90 minutes.

All stewards training classes will be held on the first Tuesday of each month.

We will be using Zoom to host each session. You can create a Zoom account and/or download the software here.


Jan. 7, 2025: Tax Changes and Other Relevant Info for LU Financial Officers

This class will be a quick update to any tax changes or other issues for financial officers that may take effect in 2025.

Jan. 14, 2025: Roles and Responsibilities of a Steward

Local Union Stewards are the first, and sometimes the only, contact that many of our members have with the union. This will cover the roles of the union stewards as communicators, educators, organizers, problem solvers, and grievance handlers, with special emphasis on active listening skills.

Jan. 21, 2025: Winning Grievances: The Art of Persuasive Argumentation

Argumentation is the process of systematic reasoning to support an idea or theory. In this Teaching Tuesday session, we will explore the fundamentals of argumentation and ways to develop better arguments to support your grievances.


Feb. 4, 2025: Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Since it was signed into law, the Family Medical Leave Act has become a key tool for working people when life takes unexpected turns. This workshop will include a basic overview of important provisions of FMLA. (US Content)

Feb 11, 2025: Mental Health Matters

An opportunity for USW members to challenge stigmas around mental health and mental health care. Conversation will shed light on ways union membership and collective bargaining can help foster healthier work environments.  Participants will explore connections between our innate need for community, our need to feel valued, and union membership. 


March 4, 2025: Contract Language Basics/Interpreting Contract Language

What do words in a Collective Bargaining Agreement mean? Is some language better than others? In this session we will talk about some basic terms that are often used and which ones are better for different circumstances. We will also learn about the “rules of contract interpretation.”