USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
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Yesterday your co-workers kicked off bargaining with thirty proposals for improvements to your contract based on the feedback provided in your survey! Some of the most important items are:
Instead of honoring your voice and priorities, Bobcat wants to keep the status quo so they can make changes as they see fit and restore their policies of favoritism over fairness. So far, they have only agreed to minor adjustments to probationary periods and mandatory overtime notification. They offensively want to limit the vast majority of your annual wage increase to be up to managements discretion and limit the contract to one year! You have committed to the Company and they MUST COMMIT TO YOU!
Tomorrow is Blackout Thursday! Wear your union colors or BLACK. Be BOISTEROUS! You choose a union so you can have a voice at work and Bobcat is trying to prevent that. Before or after shift, join your union family & tell management – FAIR CONTRACT NOW – to show Bobcat that you support your bargaining committee.
Together We Will WIN!!!
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