End of an Era

What does that have to do with my being a Pitt, rather than a Stanford, graduate?  Just this.  Without affirmative action, the children of poor, working-class, and even some middle-class families will be denied the full range of opportunities in higher education they might have otherwise had.

I fully believe SCOTUS was not trying to refuse anyone a fair chance or a more-nearly-level playing field.  Indeed, in a show of well-intentioned but convoluted logic, their premise was that affirmative action helps maintain prejudices against minorities.  But their decision will indeed deny folks not only a leg, but even just a toe, up.  Expect to see far fewer African-American, Latino, and other minority students enrolling in our colleges and universities in the weeks and months to come.


Michele Petrovsky is the Webmaster at Tools4Change, Author of “Cathedral or Bazaar?  Fix Higher Education – Teach by the Seat of Your Pants ,”  “Donkey Dharma,” and “Quick Guide to Linux.” Petrovsky resides in Glen Mills, Pa.


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