Extremists Going ‘All In’ to Make Missouri the Most Anti-Worker State in the U.S. We Can Change That

If you’re in Missouri, call your state representatives at 888-825-1418 and tell them to oppose “right to work” H.B. 1770.

Last week, the state House of Representatives passed a paycheck deception bill, sending it to the Senate for approval. A similar bill passed last year but was vetoed by Gov. Jay Nixon (D), who has indicated that he would veto similar legislation if it came to his desk. The extremists in the legislature are seeking to go around the governor by making the issue a public referendum, a move that would no doubt be backed by a well-funded publicity campaign.

Michael Louis, the secretary-treasurer of the Missouri AFL-CIO, said:

Our state’s teachers, nurses, snow plow drivers and other public workers deserve much better than H.B. 1617. The significant bipartisan opposition to this deceptive and unfair bill shows that there continues to be strong concerns about this unnecessary legislative attack on working Missourians. There’s a deep disconnect when extremists pass a bill attacking the same public workers who right now are cleaning up and restoring critical services after dangerous storms.

The extremists in the legislature aren’t done, though, they’re attempting a similar end-run around Nixon to put so-called “right to work” legislation on the ballot later this year. Nixon has made it very clear that he would veto a “right to work” bill. 

The Missouri AFL-CIO also has been clear in its opposition to such legislation:

So-called “Right to Work” laws are an attempt by CEOs and multinational corporations to eliminate unions and stack the deck even more in their favor. It’s a power grab by the same people who ship our jobs overseas and offshore their profits—and it would hurt all working people in Missouri.

Missourians aren’t standing idle while the extremist agenda is being pushed on them by the legislature, more than 3,000 rallied last week in opposition to the anti-worker agenda being pushed by the legislature and wealthy out-of-state forces.


This has been reposted from the AFL-CIO.

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