Bargaining Committee Fighting to Expand Protections, Hospital Fighting to Limit Them

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We have completed five days of non-economic negotiations. Your committee initially presented 41 items to expand your protections. We are taking our time to make sure we understand the effect of LBMCC’s proposals. The company is only submitting proposals to limit your rights. Minor changes to update inaccurate language have been agreed to. Although there are many items we are fighting for, below is a summary of our most important issues!

Our ProposalCompany proposal
Protection from outside contracting out any of our workNo protections
Protection from Supervisors doing our jobNo protections
Protection from AI and technology reducing number of employees or hours workedNo protections
Protections from Workplace Violence from patientsNo protections
Support and job protections to employees experiencing domestic violenceNo support or protections

We return to the table Tuesday, May 28. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming actions to show the Company we support our Bargaining Committee.


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