USW Activism at a Glance

As USW members, advocacy is at the heart of everything we do. We push for pro-worker policies, and we give back to our communities. We keep each other safe, and we lift up each other’s voices. So whether you’re a seasoned veteran or an emerging activist, there’s a place for you to get more involved.

Civil and Human Rights

Our union draws strength from its diversity. Come join us as we use that power to advance equity, promote human rights and build a more just world.

Emergency Response Team (ERT)

When tragedy strikes, trained Emergency Response Team volunteers provide on-site assistance to their union siblings and their families.

Health, Safety and Environment

The USW Health, Safety and Environment department provides members with a wide range of resources for making their jobs safer: from providing trainings to help with bargaining to advocating for stronger health and safety regulations.

Legislative Engagement

As USW members, we understand that our ability to bargain strong contracts requires us to be on the forefront of major legislative and policy battles, holding our elected officials accountable and ensuring workers’ voices are heard.

Next Generation

Our Next Generation program educates and empowers the USW’s young activists and future leaders, ensuring our union will remain strong well into the future.

Rapid Response

Rapid Response is the USW’s nonpartisan grassroots education, communication and engagement program. It provides every USW member with information and opportunities to actively influence the government decisions and legislative actions that affect them.

Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees (SOAR)

Union activism doesn’t end with retirement! SOAR provides USW retirees and their families with opportunities to support bargaining, achieve pro-worker legislative goals, protect retirement security and more.

Tony Mazzocchi Center

The United Steelworkers Tony Mazzocchi Center (USWTMC) is a training organization focused on providing education to workers around occupational health, safety and environmental hazards.

Union Voter Outreach

Bargaining strong contracts, safeguarding workers’ health and safety, protecting retirement security, and more, is all too often tied to local, state and federal laws and the people making them. That’s why we do everything we can to elect lawmakers who will support workers, regardless of their party affiliation.

Veterans of Steel

Thousands of USW members served or are serving in the military. Veterans of Steel offers a dedicated space to find resources and connect with one another as our union advocates for stronger contract language and common-sense legislation that supports those who served.

Women of Steel

Inclusion has always been a cornerstone of our union’s values. Women of Steel provides all female-identifying USW members with opportunities to learn and lead in their communities and their workplaces as we strive for true equity across all corners of our society.

Want to Learn More?

See how the USW is making a real difference in our communities and our workplaces.