How Koch-headed Billionaires Plan to “Save” America

Twice a year, the Kochs convene a secret summit of superrich supermen to plot strategy and pledge millions of dollars to their political efforts. In June, about 300 of the billionaire brotherhood gathered with Charlie and Dave at the St. Regis Monarch Bay Resort on the Southern California coast. As investigative reporter Lauren Windsor wrote in The Nation, the Koch confab, which bore the heroic title of “American Courage,” took over the entire luxury resort for three days, costing nearly a million bucks.

David Koch provided a keynote talk, modestly titled “Saving America,” and attendees were treated to a FeedFest of right-wing boilerplate from a gaggle of GOP congress critters summoned to the summit. The billionaires were especially delighted to hear Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell assure them that he would defend to his last sour breath their right to buy our elections.

Then, reports Windsor, the 300 Koch-headed Supermen pledged to do just that, promising to put up $500 million this year to turn the US senate over to Republican control.


This has been reposted from Jim Hightower’s website.


Image by Donkey Hotey.

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