USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
District 4 Director
Dave Wasiura was named District 4 Director in 2023.
He began his career as a fourth-generation metalworker in Buffalo, N.Y. in 1996, when he followed in his father’s footsteps and took a job at the American Brass facility just a few blocks from his family home.
Over the next 15 years, Wasiura held several positions in his local union, including vice president and member of the bargaining committee.
In 2004, during the Kerry-Edwards presidential campaign, Wasiura volunteered to knock on doors and talk to union members about issues critical to working families. In June 2010, he went to work in the Political Department at the USW headquarters in Pittsburgh, where he was involved in coordinating the union’s national field program in multiple locations and campaigns across the United States.
Wasiura returned to District 4 as a staff representative in 2013, working with local union members in New Jersey and New England before returning to Buffalo to serve as the District 4 organizing coordinator. He later served as Assistant to the District Director for four years.
A graduate of the USW’s Leadership Scholarship Program, Wasiura has bargained contracts and organized new members across a wide range of industries throughout the District. He has served as the District’s Next Gen coordinator and as a member of the Western New York Area Labor Federation Executive Board. Since December 2019, he has served on the New York State AFL-CIO Executive Council.
Wasiura represents USW members across Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Puerto Rico.
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