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So, with a booming stock market, high-tech wealth bubbling like crazy, and Fortune 500 CEOs making big bales of hay while the sun shines, what’s not to like about America’s economic future? An automotive lifestyle consultant told the Times, “Luxury is not a dirty word anymore.”
Now isn’t that a telling insight? You see, when Wall Street crashed six years ago, then got bailed out by Washington while the middle class sank, many of your 1-percenters-and-higher got squeamish about living the luxurious life they deserve. But that’s not the American way – hey, if you’ve got it, flaunt it!
Surely we can all see the social value of top-end buyers who’re willing to step up to make big-ticket purchases again. By leading the consumer charge, those bold luxury buyers are providing a role model that your lower classes need to do their own part in reviving America’s economy.
This piece was first published on Jim Hightower’s website.
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