They’re at it again!
Last week, the Colorado Senate passed a dangerous and deceptive right to work bill that could undermine our collective bargaining rights and our state’s economic security. Senate Bill 70 is now sitting in the House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee awaiting action.
Under so-called “right to work” legislation, unions would be required to spend time and money representing nonmembers who pays no dues—even if the battle is long and costly. Since everyone benefits from the gains secured within a contract, everyone should share in the costs.
Those pushing Senate Bill 70 would have us believe that it will grow local businesses and boost our economy by having out-of-state companies relocating here. But we know better and the facts don’t lie! The only thing from out-of-state is the money that special interest groups are pouring in to advance their personal agenda. Meanwhile, as our rights are undermined, our wages, benefits and safety standards could all be compromised.
We’ve stopped right to work in the past. We can do it again. Click here to send the committee members a strong message today.
It gets worse!
Senate Bill 70 goes even further than what we’ve seen in other states because it would restrict how we’d be able to collect dues, requiring new, burdensome authorizations. It’s one more way that workers’ voices would be silenced in the legislative process, while more power tilts towards corporations and the wealthiest
Right to Work is a distraction that prevents legislators from focusing on the real issues facing Colorado workers and their families. Help us stop this bill by sending an email to the Colorado House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee members today!
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