As ULP Lockout at ATI Continues, Steelworkers and Supporters Continue to Take Action

The ULP lockout at ATI is rolling into its 12th week and USW members, locked out families and community supporters are continuing to mobilize to build support for a fair contract. Hundreds of Steelworkers and allies turned up to show support for a plant gate rally at Brackenridge and families in Vandergrift and beyond came together to celebrate Halloween.

Action on the picket lines and in the communities shows no signs of slowing down in the coming weeks with fundraisers, rallies, and solidarity trips to picket lines planned! It’s time for ATI to realize that in the face of their unprecedented attack on our jobs and our communities, all 2,200 Steelworkers at ATI are strong and united in our fight for a fair contract.

Brackenridge Rally

Hundreds Turn Out for Shift Change Rally in Brackenridge

On October 28, Steelworkers from ATI facilities around southwest Pennsylvania were joined by supporters from the Allegheny County Labor Council, the IBEW Local 1914, UFCW Local 23, Sheet Metal Workers Local 12, the UMW and dozens of other local unions.

Political Support Growing in Louisville, OH

The City Council passed a resolution urging an end to the lockout and City Manager E. Thomas Ault wrote to the parties saying, “looking forward, a continuation of the lockout can only be a negative influence for the company, local businesses, residents, and the community itself.” These community leaders are joining a growing chorus of supporters including the New Bedford City Council, the Mayor of Albany Oregon and State Representatives from across southwestern Pennsylvania.

Families Celebrate Halloween in Albany, Brackenridge and Washington

In Washington, locked out Steelworkers held a Halloween party on the picket line, complete with trick-or-treating and a costume contest for kids. In Brackenridge, hundreds of locked out families came together for a picnic at the Tarentum Volunteer Fire Department Pavilion. In Albany, locked out families got a head start on Halloween with a visit to the Bose farm pumpkin patch on October 26, and they continued the celebration with a Halloween family party at the local union hall. 

Update on Unfair Labor Practice Charges Filed Against ATI

These charges cover numerous topics involving ATI’s conduct both at the bargaining table, including its bad faith bargaining positions — and away from the table, including actions that ATI took before the lock out began and its conduct directed at picketing members since the start of the lockout. Through these charges, the USW contends that ATI locked out our members to support its unlawful bargaining positions. Our legal team will be providing updates as the situation progresses so watch for future updates on our ULP case.

Click here to read the full update.

Wives of Steel Lead the Charge in Vandergrift.

On November 4, the Wives of Steel from Local Union 1138 were joined by nearly 300 locked out workers, family members and community supporters for a plant gate rally during the scab and supervisor shift change. In his story in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, reporter Tom Yerace reported, “Anyone going in or out of the ATI steel plant in Vandergrift on Wednesday evening drove through a wall of emotion.” The Wives of Steel are planning additional plant gate activities in the coming weeks and months.

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