Biden meets with USW members in Michigan backyard to talk jobs

090920 Biden meets with USW in Detroit

When Presidential candidate Joe Biden announced his and Kamala Harris’s plan to end outsourcing and bring jobs back to the United States yesterday, he sat down with members of our union in a Detroit backyard to talk about it. Click here to read the plan.
“Vice President Biden is a real friend to us. He talks the talk and walks the walk,” said USW District 2 Director Mike Bolton who was among those there. “He’s down to Earth. He’s sincere. He spent a lot of time just talking about how much he respects us and about the work we’ve accomplished together for workers over the years, dating back to when he was a rookie lawmaker in Delaware and our union was the first to endorse him.”
Local union 1299’s Andrea Hunter, Timothy Petrowski and Michael E Miller Sr., joined Bolton and Biden, who listened to the group talk about Steelworker issues.
“American workers need leaders who understand that our economy cannot survive if we continue to ship manufacturing and other jobs overseas,” International President Tom Conway said about the plan, that proposes a 10 percent tax penalty on companies that move operations overseas and a 10 percent tax credit for companies that create jobs in the U.S.  
Biden also is promising to reverse Trump administration “loopholes” that allow offshoring to take place. He also promised to take executive action during his first week in office to direct the federal government to buy American goods and support American supply chains in their procurement processes. 
“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s vision to protect and create jobs through a combination of tax incentives, infrastructure investment with strong Buy American provisions, and attention to domestic supply chains offers common sense solutions and a clear path to success,” Conway said. “For far too long, American workers have borne witness to a steady stream of plant shutdowns and closures. And while the pandemic certainly contributed to the devastation of the American economy and cost millions of jobs, the sad reality is that this trend stretches back well beyond this year.
“Donald Trump’s policies have been heavy on talk and massive corporate tax cuts, but light on strategic, long-term action when it comes to truly protecting American jobs. America’s workers and industries can’t count on short-term solutions.”
For more on Trump’s broken promises to steelworkers, check out this video: 


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