Cliff’s Proposals Would Turn Back the Clock on Our Contract

Company’s Proposals Would Turn Back the Clock on Our Contract

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Our USW bargaining committee met with Cliffs Natural Resources and received the company’s comprehensive contract proposal on Monday, September 14th at 3 p.m. It is clear after reviewing the company’s proposal that the company wants to go backwards in time.

The Cliffs proposal is filled with unrealistic demands for concessions on a number of cornerstone contract items including retiree and active health care, personal days and profit sharing. Cliffs is also seeking changes in sickness & accident benefits and FMLA.

Let’s not forget – Cliffs has been successful thanks to years of hard work by our USW brothers and sisters in the iron ore business. And our hard work at the bargaining table has helped us to take care of our families and build our communities. We will not give up on 30 years of progress. Our bargaining committee is committed to standing strong, fighting back and reaching a fair agreement.

Our solidarity has never been more important. Even though we are in Pittsburgh, we are hearing every day about the great support we are getting back home from our USW brothers and sisters, their families and our communities. It’s that support that is going to help us win this fight! Stay strong, stand together and stay tuned for more updates as bargaining continues.   


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