Contract Talks With Cliffs Proceeding Slowly

Contract Talks Proceeding Slowly

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Over the past week, our USW bargaining committee met with Cliffs’ representatives at the top table and responded to the company’s comprehensive contract proposal. 

Our bargaining committee presented the company with proposals that covered economics, benefits and pensions on Sept. 19 and continued discussions about those proposals on Sept. 25. We are beginning to see some progress and top table talks will continue through the weekend. 

Meanwhile, each local has continued to meet with company HR representatives to negotiate local issues. So far there has been minimal progress on those issues.

On Sunday, Sept. 20, bargaining committee members from all four locals, along with District 2 and 11 staff members, traveled to Brackenridge, Pa., where we proudly stood with our brothers and sisters from USW Local 1196 who are locked out of their jobs at ATI. We visited all five picket sites in the area, as well as the union hall. The solidarity that our negotiating committee members felt that day was phenomenal. It provided an example to all of us of what it is going to take to win this fight.

Remember, we are fighting the same fight that our brothers and sisters from ATI, U.S. Steel and ArcelorMittal are fighting: for affordable health care for active workers and retirees, secure pensions, strong contract language and other important issues.

Stay strong, work safe, and watch for additional updates on negotiations early next week.


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