COVID-19 Action Call: Congress Must Put People Before Corporations

As the nation and the world continue to face the Covid-19 pandemic and an ever-expanding economic emergency, our union continues to aggressively fight to make sure we avoid worst outcomes now, and when this crisis is over, to prepare the country for economic recovery.

That means we need to inject stimulus monies into the hands of working families and not offer a giant handout to corporations who have notoriously left workers behind.

Last week, we told you about a series of measures signed into law that are meant to help our country deal with this quickly changing crisis. That work has continued as Congress negotiates a stimulus package this week. We need to ensure this effort puts workers first by providing economic justice and support. That starts with:

  • Ensuring Health Care for Laid Off Workers – Workers are being laid off to not only keep the virus from spreading, but because industries are suffering from economic impacts from the pandemic. As it stands, these businesses are not required to provide health care for workers or provide temporary assistance while they are out of work. We must demand they are taken care of.
  • Protecting Workers’ Rights – We know without restrictions, companies could use bailout funds to fight union organizing, buy back stocks, and enhance their CEOs, while still firing their workers. This global emergency should not be an open invitation to exploit working people, and we must have protections included to prevent that.
  • Requiring Retirement Security – Congress is preparing to inject two trillion dollars into the economy, but not a dollar of those funds is set aside for retirees in already vulnerable pensions. This is unacceptable. If Congress is willing to put hundreds of billions into companies and CEO’s hands, they can find money for promised retiree benefits.

It’s simple, workers need to come first. Our members and workers across the country are protecting our communities during this pandemic. It’s time for Congress to protect them.

Call Congress Today!

Please make calls to your Senators and Representative! 

  1. Dial our toll-free number to the U.S. Senate: 877-607-0785. Please be sure to make two calls, one to each of your Senators.
  2. Tell the office who you are and where you are from, and tell them that workers need to come first when economic aid is negotiated.
  3. When you finish your Senate calls, please also call your Representative. The toll-free number for the U.S. House is: 866-202-5409.

We cannot allow corporations to cash in and leave laid off workers behind while taking federal funds. Congress must do their part by passing this bill swiftly and fairly.


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