Crown Holdings Workers from Canada Find Solidarity in Pennsylvania

Submitted by Lindsay Patterson 

crown-aMembers of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 9176 in Toronto, Ontario were surprised and thankful for the support and solidarity from union groups as they traveled to Philadelphia to confront top executives at Crown Holding.

The 120 workers were forced on strike in September 2013 after Crown demanded major concessions from employees.  Now, Crown wants to discard 75% of the workers, even if they settle the year-long strike. 

After leafleting the board members houses and rallying at Crown Holdings Corporate Headquarters, they had the opportunity to meet with several groups around the city of Philadelphia.

The first unscheduled meeting was with a group of Philly union leaders, Sierra Club environmentalists, college professors and veterans. The meeting was about climate change and what we as labor can do about it. They were given an opportunity to address the group about the unfair practices of Crown, Cork and Seal as well as a wonderful showing of support from the group at the rally.

crowncThe second unscheduled meeting was with the Dow Chemical Counsel hosted by USW Local 88. They met with union leaders from all over the country who pledged to support any effort that we have and also were given the link to the Canadian website to help them with donations and help expand their reach and awareness. They offered their support at the rally too!

The third unscheduled meeting was with USW District 10 Rapid Response Conference where thirty-five Rapid Response Coordinators from Pennsylvania showed their outrage over the display of corporate greed by Crown Holdings.

crowneThe group wanted to take up a collection and also pledged to take back their story back to their members for additional support. At the rally, they had support from the USW District 10 Rapid Response Team, as well as the District 10 Director Bobby “Mac” McAuliffe, Assistant Director Lewis Dopson and the Rapid Response Coordinator George Piasecki.

The fourth unscheduled meeting was with their good friend, Teamsters Local 830 President Danny Grose. Danny offered them a place to meet in the future (FREE OF CHARGE.) Danny also pledged to spread the word and keep in touch as they proceed so that all Teamster locals would support any national actions that they are planning.

crownfThey had over 40 activists participate in our rally.

They hope to raise support with their “Buy Bottles not Cans” call to action to raise awareness worldwide. 

“Thanks to all for giving me the opportunity to work along side so many talented and devoted Steelworkers,” said Lindsay Patterson an event organizer. “I would stand with these men and women in solidarity anywhere around the world, they are an inspiration.”



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