USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
As a nation, we just witnessed what will be one of the most memorable elections in history.
Americans endured a global economic crisis and health pandemic while selecting not just their next President, but their state and congressional representatives as well.
This election produced the largest voter turnout in nearly 100 years. The winner of the Presidential election, Joe Biden, received more votes (just shy of 80 million votes) than anyone previously elected to the office.
No matter how you voted, it seems reasonable to conclude that more Americans than ever felt it was their duty to participate in our political process.
Over the last three months, Steelworker members and retirees have worked tirelessly to elect pro-worker, pro-union lawmakers at the state and federal level.
In many regards we were successful, but the work is still unfinished.
We were able to retain a pro-worker majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. We elected a President, Joe Biden, who has committed to supporting worker-first policies like the Protect the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, and put an end to the anti-union tilt that has plagued federal agencies over the last four years.
We narrowed the margins in the U.S. Senate by working to reelect allies like Tina Smith (MN) and Gary Peters (MI), and to defeat Senators in Arizona and Colorado who sided with employers and corporate lobbyists.
In fact, we might even be able to clinch a pro-worker majority in the Senate because the two elections in Georgia have been forced into a January 5 runoff after no candidate achieved the 50 percent vote threshold on November 3.
In collaboration with the AFL-CIO, a number of unions, including the USW, have been assembling a campaign to elect Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff to be the next Senators to represent Georgia.
Steelworkers from across the country are stepping up to help out with this effort from the comfort of their own home, and so can you!
There are a growing number of ways to help, including making phone calls to union members, text banking, and writing postcards. To get more information about how you can get involved, submit your information HERE.
In the coming months we will keep you updated on ways you can help at Stay tuned!
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See how the USW is making a real difference in our communities and our workplaces.