Declaration of Leo Gerard, International President, United Steelworkers

The United Steelworkers congratulate Napoleón Gómez Urrutia on receiving Canadian citizenship.
This honor greatly reflects the confidence of the Canadian government and the Canadian people in Napoleón’s integrity, and recognizes the great contribution that he and his family have made to Canadian society.
At the same time, Napoleón remains, legally and morally, a Mexican citizen.  More than that, he is a true patriot, who has fought to defend the rights and the dignity of Mexican workers, the productivity of Mexican industry, the rule of law, and the international reputation of Mexico against the impunity and corruption that unfortunately are endemic in Mexico today.
Canada has recognized Napoleón with this honor of citizenship.  We now call on Mexico to respect Napoleón Gómez Urrutia’s rights as a Mexican citizen and end its unjust and illegal campaign of persecution against him and his family.”

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