Discounts and Rebates for Your College Student

Do you have teenagers heading to college in the fall? Or a child in high school who’s preparing to apply for school? If so, you know that from tuition to room and board, meal plans to dorm room decorations, books to school supplies, and from test prep to college applications, everything can add up.

While you get your students prepared for the next step in their education, the USW and Union Plus want to help you score the best grades and nail the best prices.

Click here for your Union Plus education discounts.

As a Steelworker, you and your children have access to great discounts and rebates through Union Plus:

  • Apply for the Union Plus scholarship, which awards $150,000 annually, with an award range from $500-4,000.
  • Get 15% to 60% savings on all college and graduate school test prep courses from The Princeton Review.
  • Get classroom, online and private tutoring for SAT, ACT, GMAT, LSAT, GRE and MCAT, featuring a higher score money-back guarantee.
  • Save 15% on college counseling from Collegewise, which helps high school students find, apply and attend the right college for them.
  • Save up to 30% on Dell and HP laptops, desktops, printers and more. []
  • Dell call-in price guarantee: beats a better deal on a Dell public website. []
  • HP lets you take advantage of instant rebates and coupons that combine with your discount, so you can save even more. []
  • Save 5% when you rent or buy textbooks.

Find out how much you can save here!


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