Corpus Christi, TX
Submitted by Dianne Babin
For its annual United Steelworkers District 13 Women of Steel project, the women set out to make Christmas a little brighter for the 186 children of the members locked out by Sherwin Alumina in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Through the generosity of our members, locals, staff, and administrative assistants, all of the children were adopted. With the help of our WOS from Local 750 in Norco, Louisiana and Carolyn Stokes from the Strategic Campaigns Department, gifts were distributed on Friday, December 18th. We also provided each child with a cup of goodies as well as gift cards. Local 227 in Texas City provided several pairs of tennis shoes for those children in need of shoes.
Local 750 President Marty Poche’ also presented Local 235A President Terry Howard, with Shell gas cards to be distributed to the locked out families.
A big thank you to Director Ruben Garza, Assistant to the Director John Link, Jr., Carolyn Stokes and members of Local 750 for assisting with distributing the gifts. To all of the locals and individuals who either adopted children or donated money for this project, thank you. This is what it is all about – helping our brothers and sisters in their time of need.
One Day Longer – One Day Stronger!
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