United States Senate Special Election in Alabama Endorsement

Dear Brothers and Sisters:


On December 12th, we have a chance to decide what kind of person we want representing Alabama. We have a choice between an honorable public servant or someone with a history of ethical lapses and deeply concerning actions. Alabama deserves better than an ongoing string of ethics investigations, corruption, and scandal. Your union has endorsed Doug Jones for Senate because we know he will fight for us.


Doug Jones comes from a long line of Steelworkers in Alabama.  Having worked in the steel mill at a young age, he understands the value of hard work, good wages, affordable health care and a secure retirement. Jones has served as a prosecutor, defense attorney and U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama. He brought justice to the victims of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing 35 years later through dogged determination. Jones has served the people of Alabama with honesty and integrity and will continue to do so as our Senator.


Jones believes that Alabamians who work full-time should be able to provide for their family. He knows that working people who are paid a fair wage are less reliant on government and contribute more to the economy. And Jones will fight to stop higher premiums and increased out-of-pocket expenses and will defend the rural health care facilities that many regions of Alabama rely on.


Roy Moore has been twice removed from the bench for refusing to follow the rule of law and failed to disclose all of his income to the Senate. More disturbingly, numerous women have come forward accusing Moore of pursuing them as teenagers when he was in his 30’s. Alabama deserves better than Roy Moore.


How you vote is a personal decision. Your vote this December 12th will make a difference and ensure that the voices of working people are heard. Based on the facts above your union believes Doug Jones is the best choice for USW members and all working people.


In Solidarity,


Daniel Flippo

District 9 Director


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