USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
Greetings Brothers and Sisters:
The USW District 9 Pulp & Paper Mill Conference scheduled for November 2-3, 2015 at the Hilton Sandestin, 4000 Sandestin Boulevard South, Destin, FL 32550. All locals are encouraged to participate in this Conference designed to provide Local Union Leaders in the pulp and paper industry with the additional tools needed to better represent your membership and engage in the fight to save and prosper our paper industry.
Click Here for a copy of the Call Letter
Participants are urged to pre-register by completing the enclosed registration form for each delegate and return it to the District 9 Office with the Conference registration fee of $150 per delegate. This fee includes Conference materials and lunch for delegates on Monday and Tuesday. Deadline for reservations is Monday, September 28, 2015.
Registration will be Sunday, November 1st, followed by a plenary session on Monday with motivational speakers, information about the paper industry and companies within the industry. Following lunch Monday, delegates will attend educational and skill-building workshops, which will continue through Tuesday, when the Conference concludes at approximately 4:30 p.m.
Click Here for a copy of the Registration Form
A block of rooms has been set aside at the Hilton Sandestin for $139 per night, plus applicable taxes and fees. Hotel reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 800.367.1271 or online at and entering Group Code UPP.
Cutoff date to obtain the discounted group rate is September 28, 2015.
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