District director creates Kentucky legislature Wall of Shame after passage of anti-union laws

Just five days after the New Year, the Republican-led Kentucky Legislature sent three bills to Governor Matt Bevin’s desk that he quickly signed into law under an emergency clause that will be detrimental to working families in the state.

  • House Bill 1 (HB-1) – Kentucky Right To Work 
  • House Bill 3 (HB-3) – Repeal Prevailing Wage 
  • Senate Bill 6 (SB-6) – Paycheck Deception

These anti-union bills do nothing more than give corporations the ability to outsource jobs, cut pay and reduce benefits while stripping workers of their rights to come together and speak out for better wages and safer workplaces.

According to a 2014 Census report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers in states with so called “right to work” laws make on average $6,109 less annually than workers in other states. Also, data collected for a 2014 report done by the AFL-CIO on the workplace health and safety shows the rate for workplace deaths is 49 percent higher in states with these laws.

USW District 8 Director Billy Thompson wants the members in his district to remember those that voted against working families by passing these union-busting laws, “These lawmakers that voted against working families deserve to have their names carved into a wall of shame.”

Rep. Bechler (4)
Rep. Benvenuti (88)
Rep. Bratcher (29)
Rep. L. Brown (95)
Rep. Bunch (82)
Rep. Carney (51)
Rep. Couch (90)
Rep. DeCesare (17)
Rep. Dossett (9)
Rep. DuPlessis (25)
Rep. Elliott (54)
Rep. Fischer (68)
Rep. Fleming (48)
Rep. Fugate (84)
Rep. Gooch (12)
Rep. Hale (74)**
Rep. Hart (78)
Rep. Heath (2)
Rep. Herald (91)
Rep. Hoover (83)
Rep. Imes (5)

Rep. D. Johnson (49)
Rep. DJ Johnson (13)
Rep. King (55)
Rep. Koenig (69)
Rep. Lee (45)
Rep. Linder (61)
Rep. Mayfield (73)
Rep. McCoy (50)
Rep. Meade (80)
Rep. Meredith (19)
Rep. Miles (7)
Rep. J. Miller (36)
Rep. Mills (11)
Rep. Moffett (32)
Rep. Moore (18)
Rep. Morgan (81)
Rep. Moser (64)
Rep. Nemes (33)
Rep. Osborne (59)
Rep. Petrie (16)
Rep. Pratt (62) 

Rep. Prunty (15)***
Rep. Reed (24)
Rep. Riley (23)
Rep. Rothenburger (58)
Rep. Rowland (21)
Rep. Rudy (1)
Rep. Santoro (60)
Rep. Shell (71)
Rep. St. Onge (63)
Rep. Stewart (86)
Rep. Thomas (8)
Rep. Tipton (53)
Rep. Upchurch (52)
Rep. Webber (26)
Rep. Wells (97)
Rep. Wuchner (66)
Sen. Alvarado (28)
Sen. Bowen (8)
Sen. Buford (22)
Sen. Carpenter (34)
Sen. D. Carroll (2) 

Sen. Girdler (15)
Sen. Givens (9)
Sen. Higdon (14)
Sen. Hornback (20)
Sen. Humphries (1)
Sen. Kerr (12)
Sen. McDaniel (23)
Sen. Meredith (5)
Sen. Raque Adams (36)
Sen. Robinson (21)
Sen. Schickel (11)
Sen. Schroder (24)
Sen. Seum (38)
Sen. Smith (30)
Sen. Stivers (25)
Sen. Thayer (17)
Sen. West (27)
Sen. Westerfield (3)
Sen. Wilson (32)
Sen. Wise (16) 

**Voted against HB-3 and SB-6
***Voted against HB-3

While the “right to work” battle has been going on for years in Kentucky, the USW will continue to work with those that stand with working people, “We want to thank and praise the legislators who voted to support working families. It was the right thing to do.”

Rep. Adkins (99)
Rep. Bentley (98)
Rep. Blanton (92)
Rep. G. Brown (77)
Rep. Burch (30)
Rep. Cantrell (38)
Rep. Castlen (14)
Rep. Coursey (6)
Rep. Donohue (37)
Rep. Flood (75)
Rep. Gentry (46)
Rep. Graham (57)
Rep. Greer (27)

Rep. Harris (93)
Rep. Hatton (94)
Rep. Jenkins (44)
Rep. Kay (56)
Rep. Keene (67)
Rep. Marzian (34)
Rep. Meyer (39)
Rep. C. Miller (28)
Rep. Nelson (87)
Rep. Overly (72)
Rep. Owens (43)
Rep. Palumbo (76)
Rep. Rand (47)

Rep. Richards (20)*
Rep. Riggs (31)
Rep. Schamore (10)
Rep. Scott (41)
Rep. Simpson (65)
Rep. Sims (70)
Rep. Sinnette (100)
Rep. Stone (22)
Rep. Turner (85)
Rep. Watkins (3)
Rep. Wayne (35)
Rep. Westrom (79)
Rep. York (96)

Sen. J. Carroll (7)
Sen. Clark (37)
Sen. Embry (6)
Sen. Harper Angel (35)
Sen. Jones (31)
Sen. McGarvey (19)
Sen. Neal (33)
Sen. Parrett (10)
Sen. Ridley (4)
Sen. Thomas (13)
Sen. Turner (29)
Sen. Webb (18)

*Voted against HB-1 and SB-6

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