Empowered women empower women.
This was the theme of the District 11 Women of Steel Conference in Altoona, Iowa, where 56 sisters from across the district gathered for a weekend of educational courses, informative speeches, fellowship and support.
“The message was for our sisters to know there is a place for them in our Union, to provide them with education and begin the networking process between the sisters from all sectors within our nine states,” said Cathy Drummond, the district’s Women of Steel coordinator.
District 11 Director Emil Ramirez in his closing speech to the delegates said that the Union is a place where everyone should feel welcome and have the opportunity to work for a better life. He said he’d like to see more diversity at all levels of the Union.
“We need to do better at making sure our leadership reflects who we are: regardless of your gender, age, race, sexuality or anything else. There is room for everyone in our Union and we are truly stronger together,” he said.
Check out photos from the conference on our Flickr page and below. (Photos by Erica Dietz of
Union Pix.)