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The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management (EM) this month issued its strategic vision for 2022-2032.
The 60-page document begins with a list of the significant cleanup accomplishments to date and includes overall cleanup priorities, cleanup work done in 2021, cleanup activities planned for 2022 and EM’s vision for cleanup progress over the next decade.
The Strategic Vision document represents EM’s attempt to map out progress the office anticipates over the next decade using current budget assumptions and previous years’ congressional appropriations.
“The Strategic Vision is not intended to document all planned cleanup projects at EM sites or all actions necessary to meet administration goals. Instead, it is one of a set of integrated planning activities and tools EM uses that also includes more detailed site-specific planning documents and periodic strategic alternatives analyses,” EM wrote.
The document lists each EM cleanup site, including those where USW-represented workers handle the deactivation, decommissioning and remediation. Importantly, the document contains a timeline and expected completion dates for cleanup activities so members know in advance what DOE expects to achieve at every site.
Each site includes an overview of its history, calendar year 2021 accomplishments, planned cleanup scope for 2022-2032, key regulatory milestones for 2022-2032 and the post-2032 cleanup scope.
Read about the future of the world’s largest cleanup effort at HERE and download your copy today!
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