USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
The contracts between the United Steelworkers and Ball and Ardagh are set to expire on February 24, 2016 and contract negotiations are right around the corner. This is our first round of contract negotiations with these new companies so we need to be ready to show management of both companies that we’re strong and united.
Local union leaders from each Ball and Ardagh location met in Pittsburgh on November 16 and 17 to draft contract proposals. The committee also developed a communication and mobilization plan to keep everyone informed and involved as bargaining progresses.
Each local union is developing a Communication and Action Team (CAT Team) to provide important updates on bargaining directly from the bargaining committee to members on all shifts. Your CAT team members will also let you know how to take action to show support for your bargaining committee.
Additionally, we will be sending out text messages with updates directly from the bargaining committee. To sign up to receive text messages from your bargaining committee, text CAN to 47486 (standard message & data rates apply, text anytime stop to opt out).
The Ardagh committee will meet with Ardagh management to exchange proposals on January 9th and bargaining is scheduled for the following two weeks. The Ball committee will exchange proposals with Ball management on January 31 and bargaining is scheduled in mid-February. As always, there is a lot at stake in this round of contract negotiations. We are counting on everyone’s support and solidarity as we prepare to go to the bargaining table. Stay strong, work safely, and together we will win fair contracts at Ardagh and Ball!
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