USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
The USW Health Care Workers Council met in Pittsburgh last Thursday for their first in-person annual meeting since the beginning of COVID-19 to discuss challenges in the sector, organizing power, and bargaining victories.
The day began with a conversation led by the Tony Mazzocchi Center (TMC) about technology employers are implementing in workplaces, including robots and telehealth. TMC previously conducted a study and focus group about this issue—this research revealed that most of the cases of new technology introductions happened without any worker involvement or input, and that in 49 percent of the cases, it actually increased the workload of the members.
Council members from each union District gave reports on activity in their area, from contract negotiations to recent organizing initiatives. Growing the health care sector and the union as a whole was a major focus of the day’s meeting, with a USW organizer offering a presentation on how current members can get involved in this process. With only 13 percent of health care practitioners and 9 percent of health care support workers currently unionized, there is plenty of opportunity in this arena.
The council also bid farewell to USW Vice President Fred Redmond, who has overseen the group since its inception and handled bargaining in the sector since 2006. Redmond is heading to the AFL-CIO to serve as Secretary-Treasurer.
Redmond said the health care sector is vital to the labor movement for multiple reasons, especially when it comes to broadening perspectives.
“We have grown into a union that’s capable and good at representing health care workers,” Redmond told the council members. “You should all feel good about the work you’ve done. It has been the pleasure of my life to serve this union, this sector, and this council.”
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