USW Convention | April 7-10, 2025 Get registration information here
It takes money to run a strong and effective union. Union dues give the United Steelworkers the power to fight for your rights.
Dues are an investment that come right back to you through good contracts, quality education, and a wide range of union services.
And as a USW member you have a say in where your money goes. As a member, you oversee how your dues are set through electing your own delegates to the International Convention. And you determine how dues are administered through participation in local union meetings.
Your local union spends its money according to your priorities. Financial controls ensure that the membership oversees all spending.
Local union and International books are audited regularly.
Federal law prohibits our dues dollars from being used for many political purposes, which is why our union established the United Steelworkers’ Political Action Committee (USW PAC).
USW PAC is funded entirely by voluntary contributions from members like you. These contributions make it possible for our union to run the most effective, member-driven program in the labor movement.
Contributions are used to keep members informed and support member-based programs to combat attacks on worker rights. A portion of these monies are also used to support political candidates who have pledged to represent USW values and protect our right to negotiate for fair pay and safer working conditions on the job.
The best way for members to contribute to USW PAC is through automatic payroll deductions. This option is only available when your local union has bargained “checkoff” language in your contract. Go to to contact your District’s USW PAC Coordinator and start contributing today.
If your local has not negotiated “checkoff” language, you can still contribute to USW PAC with monthly contributions or a one-time donation by using your debit/credit card. More here:
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See how the USW is making a real difference in our communities and our workplaces.