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International Workers’ Day, known also as May Day, is a celebration of labor working families around the world. May 1 was chosen as the date for International Workers’ Day to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago that occurred on May 4, 1886. The Haymarket affair refers to the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration that began as a peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour day and in reaction to the killing of several workers by the police the previous day.
How Will You Celebrate May Day? – On International Workers’ Day, also known as May Day, working families are standing up across the United States, demanding action be taken on senseless deportations that hurt workers, families and communities … more
International Labour Day: key rallies and protests around the world – Tens of thousands of people across the globe are to hit the streets on Thursday. Here are some of the key events … more
Labor rallies around the globe as world celebrates May Day – Thousands rally around the globe to celebrate May Day, the largest labor holiday in the world. Amid heavy police presence, many are gathering to protest against the harsh austerity measures that have seen many Europeans mired in poverty and need … more
‘Mayday!’ A Crisis Call for Undocumented Workers – May 1, or May Day, also known as International Workers Day—honors the sacrifices that workers have made throughout history to secure hard-won rights. As the list of these rights grows increasingly robust, however, it is important that we do not take the most basic ones for granted … more
Photos of the AFL-CIO and its pro-immigrant allies highlighted the cost of the deportation crisis by way of a 90 by 60 foot projection of a video onto its downtown headquarters
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