Local 1853 Ratifies New Contract

Some 650 first responders and vehicle service technicians in Local 1853 this week ratified a new four-year contract with the medical transportation company AMR.

The deal, which will go into effect Oct. 22, raises wages and makes significant improvements to working conditions, including rules making it easier to use PTO, access to stress debriefing after critical calls, and training for dealing with violent patients.

One of the biggest victories, said Local President Chris Slamer, was getting the company to agree to limit hold-over time, the amount of time a person could be required to stay after the end of his or her regularly scheduled shift.

“We were getting held over up to 4 to 6 hours after our 12-hour shifts,” said Slamer. “Now we got that down to either one hour or one-and-done: we can either be asked to stay one extra hour or, if we get a call within 15 minutes of the end of our shift, we’re done after that call.”

Slamer said the contract also makes it easier for EMTs to go through paramedic school, including paying for training for anyone who can get accepted into a program.

“This gets more money to our members and helps fill the open positions we’re struggling with, which reduces the need for hold-overs,” said Slamer. “It’s good for everyone.”

This is the second contract for Local 1853, which is based in San Bernardino, Calif. The previous deal expired on June 30. Wage increases are retroactive to the beginning of the first full pay period in July.

Though the two sides ultimately needed to bring in a mediator to help move negotiations along, one of the key turning points was a solidarity action the local held at the end of August.

Members of Local 1853, joined by members of other USW locals and other area health care unions, held informational pickets in two locations, sending a clear message that they were united in their commitment to reaching a fair deal.

“I’m really proud of how our union brothers and sisters—from the local all the way up to the International—rallied around these talks,” said District 12 Director Bob LaVenture. “Solidarity is always important in these sorts of negotiations, and it made all the difference here. This contract is the result of everyone staying on the same page and working together.”


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