Members pay it forward as workers battle Coronavirus

Steelworkers in all industries continue stepping up for health care workers by donating food, money, and critical safety supplies to those on the front lines.

When USW members at National Grid were locked out for six months in 2018, the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) stood in solidarity with the Steelworkers. Now, the gas workers are giving back. Locals 12003 and 12012 dropped off a check last week for $10,500 to the MNA, the largest professional health care organization and the largest union of registered nurses in Massachusetts.

Nearby, in Connecticut, a unit of amalgamated USW Local 134L transformed a piece of their operations to mold face shields to aid local health care workers. Members volunteered their time to assemble them, with the finished face shields delivered free of charge to local health care workers, including a senior assisted living facility.

Find out how you can donate to front-line workers here.


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