More Misleading Information from ATI Management

More Misleading Information from ATI Management

The recent newspaper ad by ATI thanking its salaried employees is another example of its blatant hypocrisy. What else is new?

In an early April meeting with the union prior to the beginning of negotiations,  ATI CEO Harshman and V.P. Wetherbee advised USW leadership that they planned to cut their salaried, non-represented workforce by 40 percent as part of their restructuring strategy and lean manufacturing plan.

Specifically, Wetherbee complained about having too many salaried workers who pass themselves off as metallurgists and engineers. We were told that the cuts would take place after our negotiations.

Changing Their Tune

In its September 23 ad, ATI attempts to wave the flag about American metal demands and how its salaried work force is patriotically stepping up to the challenge of trying to meet them. ATI goes on to talk about how proud they are of their work force and its contribution to our local and national economy.

Of course, ATI fails to mention how they’ve brought scab workers from outside of the area into our communities to take our jobs. That’s real red, white and blue patriotism.

At the bargaining table, ATI management has bragged about how they’ve slashed the pensions and health care coverage of salaried employees and retirees, because they could get away with it. They point to this as justification for their demands to slash union member benefits.

Words Alone Don’t Buy Loyalty

ATI’s top management has done a good job creating chaos and internal political problems. Who trusts these people and their ability to plan and execute a way out of this mess?

We know first-hand that many of these salaried workers are sympathetic to what’s happening to the hourly work force and the disruptions created by this unnecessary, illegal lockout. They are now forced to work the long hours that union members worked prior to the lockout.

Harshman and Wetherbee have no more regard for their salaried employees than they do for union workers, and most of their workers know this to be true.

Smoke and Mirrors

ATI’s ad isn’t about their success in running the plants. It’s more spin in an attempt to convince the markets and investors that things aren’t out of control. This is a lie, just like the rest of ATI’s ad.

If ATI truly meant what it said in its ad, it would end the lockout today and bargain a fair contract.  



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