Negotiations with ArcelorMittal Resume

update 15

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Our negotiating committee resumed face-to-face contract talks with ArcelorMittal management in Pittsburgh this week after meeting with our membership at many locations to provide detailed updates and answer questions about current bargaining issues.

Most of our discussions with management since returning to Pittsburgh have focused on improving the long term viability and sustainability of our facilities with capital investment to make our jobs more secure and ArcelorMittal more competitive. Each of our local union delegations brought specific requests for equipment and infrastructure upgrades to the table to discuss with management.

While the company generally recognizes that many of these projects would benefit the company over the long term, it is unclear how willing ArcelorMittal is to commit money to our plants.

We have also tried to engage management in follow up discussions about health care benefits for active and retired members and other issues in the BLA. In the meantime, we received a counterproposal from the company this week that did very little to address the differences we have outlined in previous updates.

On Wednesday, our locals at ArcelorMittal facilities throughout the country held events to show our unity and solidarity against the company’s sustained drive for unfair and unnecessary concessions that will no doubt hurt our families and retirees.

Our committee is currently preparing a comprehensive proposal to present to management, and our bargaining will continue through the weekend. With your continued support, we know that eventually we will reach a fair contract.

Despite the distraction that this long bargaining process creates, we want to remind everyone to stay focused on keeping yourselves and coworkers safe on the job.



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