New Legislation in Kentucky Would Slash Unemployment Insurance; Take Action Now to Stop It!

A devastating legislative bill has been filed to dramatically lower unemployment insurance benefits in Kentucky.
The Republican majorities in Frankfort filed simultaneous bills, HB-317 and SB-171, backed by Governor Bevin, that would cause union members who work under a union referral procedure to suffer a 32% cut in unemployment benefits. Every other Kentuckian would suffer up to a 40% cut in unemployment benefits. 
The attacks on Kentucky’s working families continue as these bills would lower the unemployment weekly benefit by 11.5% and cut off benefits at 20 weeks instead of 26 weeks.
You can read more about how these bills would leave Kentuckians stranded in this report from the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy here:


Share this information with fellow union members and urge them to call 1-844-641-3862 to tell their Legislator to VOTE NO on HB-317 and SB-171.


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