Rally for Sloan Valve Workers on Strike

7999-rallyOn July 18, 2014, a large, spirited picket line rally was held by members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 7999 at the Sloan Valve plant near O’Hare Airport in Franklin Park, IL. Several hundred members of the local have been on strike there for two months.

Supporting the Local 7999 members were the District 7 Director Mike Millsap, Steelworker locals from the region, including locals from Indiana, and members of District 7 S.O.A.R. (Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees.)

Sloan Valve makes flush valves, and has been in business for about 110 years.

Jerry Mastny, President of the local on strike, pointed out some of the issues why the members were on strike:

  • 7999-millsapSloan Valve are trying to dump exceedingly high insurance premium costs onto the workers,
  • They’re imposing an attendance policy which would make it difficult for any worker to adhere to,
  • They want to bring a temporary labor force in to do our higher skilled jobs,
  • They want us to train people from an outside company without regards for the seniority for our people.

Rally participants also visited an Ace hardware store where Sloan repair parts are being sold and dropped off leaflets.

To support the members of Local 7999, contact President Jerry Mastny at: jerrymastny@gmail.com or 708-269-2071.


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